Red Fox The Catlike Canine

[PDF] Red Fox The Catlike Canine Ebook

Red Fox The Catlike Canine Paperback J David Henry
Red Fox The Catlike Canine Paperback J David Henry
Red Fox The Catlike Canine Paperback J David Henry

Red fox : the catlike canine (Book, 1996) [] Get this from a library! Red fox : the catlike canine. [J David Henry] -- In this engaging introduction to the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), J. David Henry recounts his years of field research on this flame-colored predator. With its catlike whiskers, teeth, and paws, as well ... Red Fox: The Catlike Canine by J. David Henry - Goodreads In this engaging introduction to the red fox (Vulpes vulpes), J. David Henry recounts his years of field research on this flame-colored predator. With its catlike whiskers, teeth, and paws, as well as vertical-slit pupils, the North American red fox not only resembles but often behaves like a feline, especially when hunting. Red fox: The Catlike Canine (Smithsonian Nature Book ... "Red Fox: The Catlike Canine" by J. David Henry First off, this book is a gem if for no other reason than that Red Foxes are such fascinating creatures. Henry is an ethologist - a scientist who studies animal behaviors and his book bears that imprint. A goodly amount of text is devoted to his methodologies and conjectures - all things that ...

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Red Fox The Catlike Canine Smithsonian Nature Books No 5
Red Fox The Catlike Canine Smithsonian Nature Books No 5

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