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Mammalogy - Wikipedia List of mammalogy journals. This is a list of scientific journals broadly serving mammalogists. In addition, many other more general zoology, ecology and evolution, or conservation journals also deal with mammals, and several journals are specific to only certain taxonomic groups of mammals. Mammalogy zoology Mammalogy: Mammalogy, scientific study of mammals. Interest in nonhuman mammals dates far back in prehistory, and the modern science of mammalogy has its broad foundation in the knowledge of mammals possessed by primitive peoples. The ancient Greeks were among the first peoples to write systematically on Journal of Mammalogy Oxford Academic The Journal of Mammalogy has been the flagship publication of the American Society of Mammalogists since 1919 and was voted one of the top 100 most influential serials in biology and medicine of the 20th century Find out more
Firecrest World Mammals Red Paper Design
Mammals Smithsonian Handbooks By Juliet Clutton Brock
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Prehistoric Mammals By Alan Turner Reviews Discussion
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