Trackards For North American Mammals

[PDF] Trackards For North American Mammals Ebook

Trackards For North American Mammals David Brown
Trackards For North American Mammals David Brown
Trackards For North American Mammals David Brown

Trackards For North American Mammals With Companion Guide
Trackards For North American Mammals With Companion Guide
Trackards For North American Mammals With Companion Guide

Trackards for North American Mammals: David Brown ... Trackards for North American Mammals contains twenty-six Trackards. Twenty-five of these cards include images of one or more life-size tracks of selected North American mammals that are distributed widely over the continent. The twenty-sixth card contains a representative variety of commonly found tracks and sign of house cat, frog and birds. Trackards for North American Mammals - Trackards for North American Mammals contains twenty-six Trackards. Twenty-five of these cards include images of one or more life-size tracks of selected North American mammals that are distributed widely over the continent. The twenty-sixth card contains a representative variety of commonly found tracks and sign of house cat, frog and birds. David Brown's Wildlife Services products page The Companion Guide to Trackards for North American Mammals by David Brown The Companion Guide provides 245 pages of additional information including detailed measurements of track size, gait appearance, preferred habitats and other sign typical of each species. Ways to distinguish similar tracks and sign of different animals are included.

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